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The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 11 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
Sorry, we don't recognise the hotel or destination you have indicated. You can see the list of hotels and destinations by clicking on the icon on the right.
The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 11 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
Comfortable 22 m² (237 ft²) rooms. These are either interior rooms with views of an internal courtyard typical of the buildings in Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter or the hotel's courtyard
Spacious 32 m² (344 ft²) rooms overlooking a typical Barcelona Gothic Quarter courtyard. These rooms can accommodate up to 2 adults + 2 children or 3 adults and have bathrooms with a double washbasin and double shower.
Spacious 32 m² (344 ft²) rooms overlooking a typical Barcelona Gothic Quarter courtyard. These rooms can accommodate up to 2 adults + 2 children or 3 adults and have bathrooms with a double washbasin and double shower.